…the year of The Wiggles

Twenty years ago, on Triple J, a comedy trio named Tripod regularly faced the challenge of writing a song about a given theme in just one hour. They were generally pretty funny, in an undergrad-humour kind of way, but on this particular day they were asked to imagine what the world would be like in… Continue reading …the year of The Wiggles

Metanoia by Anna McGahan: Acorn Press, 2019

Reflection Questions for readers and groups Reading an autobiography is often a thoroughly enjoyable and enlightening experience. It opens a window to the author’s feelings and experiences that a biographer can only guess at. There is undeniably more humour, more pathos, more humanity expressed. But thinking critically about an autobiography can become a challenging experience.… Continue reading Metanoia by Anna McGahan: Acorn Press, 2019

The Border Opened

For months, we listened with bated breath as medical authorities made their recommendations. For months, we suffered myriad local griefs, with emotions rising and falling as key metrics went up and down. For months, we watched and waited and hoped for a time when broken relationships would be restored. For months, we prayed for a… Continue reading The Border Opened

Categorized as Family, Life

Ten Albums – (#10)

Rachel, Jess, Neets, Al, and Wally. Doesn’t quite roll off the tongue as well as John, Paul, George, and Ringo, but for me the most formative album is the one I got to help write and record.

Ten Albums – (#9)

Anyone who constructs a list of top ten albums, and doesn’t include Lin Manuel Miranda’s musical tribute to the venerated Virginian veteran’s right hand man can simply close the door on their way out. The 2015 soundtrack was simply

Categorized as Art, Music