Word In Song ’11

Wal & Steph spent the whole day in Ormond, at the Word In Song music ministry conference.

While Wal thoroughly enjoyed the great singing, training & high-quality musicianship, Stephie was slogging her guts out in the kitchen, feeding the 140-odd attendees.

The big take-homes for Wal were:

  1. the need for qualified music leaders – not just musically talented, but those competent to preach God’s word faithfully in song
  2. how encouraging it is to see younger leaders passionate about the gospel and doing music well
  3. the need for more practice of his guitar
So, next – to work out what that means practically.
Categorized as Christian

By Walter

Redeemed by Jesus, married to Steph, father of three beautiful girls. Friend, musician, nerd, appreciator of good food, coffee and the Oxford comma

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