Psalm 8

(Note to song-leader: good luck finding a metre for this one. A psalm of David repsalmed by Walter.)

Lord Jesus, our King, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory beyond the southern cross.

Out of the mouths of babies & toddlers your strength is established – their speech silences & stops those who oppose you.

When I lie down in the outback and gaze up at the milky way that you designed before the dreamtime, at the moon your fingers send spinning around us, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him..?

But…you’ve made him a touch below the angels, crowning him with your image, and glory. You’ve delegated some of your responsibility to him over the day-to-day running of this terra incognito, from wild brumbies and deadly dingoes to wooly merinos and blue heelers. Platypus, emu, wallaby, red-back, blue-ringed octopus – they’re all ours to manage for you.

O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

Categorized as Psalming

By Walter

Redeemed by Jesus, married to Steph, father of three beautiful girls. Friend, musician, nerd, appreciator of good food, coffee and the Oxford comma

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