If Apple want to do an end-run around wireless carriers, and enter the prepaid market with a bang, they need a device that can be bought without carrier subsidy for a price lower than (or extremely close to) their subsidised iPhone.
Tis a big ‘if’ I know, but if they did, what would they compromise and what would they keep?
– iTunes music / movies / tv integration
– WiFi / cellular Internet connectivity
– iMessage
– FaceTime
– “VoiceTime” / phone calling
– Siri
– 16 hr battery life
– Darwin core operating system
– iOS interaction modes / conventions (including physical home button)
– ARM chipset
– screen size & resolution
– rear-facing camera?
– storage capacity
– App Store -compatible apps (for now)
– Internet tethering
Throw away with glee:
– 24m carrier contracts
– SIM card slot/space
So what could this device look like? Perhaps Apple could go one or two ways.
Option One:
– 480×864 pixel screen at 2.5 inches.
– Reduced multitouch capability (down to perhaps 3-point tracking)
– Home button
– Front camera only
– ARM Apple A4
– 8GB flash
– iOS 6.2 fork (a la AppleTV forked iOS)
Job summary:
An iPod nano that now supports:
– Retina Display -quality media (“An iPod…”)
– messaging & calling within Apple’s ecosystem (“…a phone…”)
– Safari / email / PIM services (“…an Internet mobile communicator.”)
“Are you getting this? It’s the one device!”
I suspect the one device to rule them all.
(Check back soon for option two.)