They say the appropriate gift is tin.
Perhaps “they” here are New Zealanders who struggle wuth theer vowels end hev muxed up theer “e”s with their “i”s.
Maybe “they” figured that after so many years rusted onto each other, it was only appropriate to share a corrosion-safe metal.
Or perhaps “they” decided to give a poor, mortgage-laden chap a break and let him go cheap on the gifts this year.
They say the appropriate gift is tin.
But I say, after walking the yellow brick road with me for this past decade, the best gift I can give you is velvet-wrapped and sawdust-filled. And being renewed every day by our saviour & God.
Thank you, Stephanie Louise, for your great, great love all these years. You are the source of most of God’s earthly blessings for me. I still thank him daily for you, and pray I keep living up to the promises I made ten years ago today.