Fun Tax Issues

The scene: driving home from kinder as the radio passes the hour.

Newscaster: “…overcoming the tax issues that had been…”

Little miss four: “Ooh! Can I have a pair?”

Me: “A pair of what?”

LM4: “Tax issues! I could run around in them and people would call out and I could take them where they want to go!”

Me: “Uh. Um.”

LM4: “Should I get yellow or black?”

Me: “Yellow or- oh! Taxi shoes. I see.”

LM4: “I think I want black ones like in London so that …”

Categorized as Family, Kids

By Walter

Redeemed by Jesus, married to Steph, father of three beautiful girls. Friend, musician, nerd, appreciator of good food, coffee and the Oxford comma

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