It is sad to watch such an uneven match play just as expected.
Author: Walter
Redeemed by Jesus, married to Steph, father of three beautiful girls. Friend, musician, nerd, appreciator of good food, coffee and the Oxford comma
AFL: Round 7
Two top four teams clash in a Grand Final replay. Hawks win by six goals.
AFL: Round 6
Twenty-eight up, gone; eighteen, gone; then twenty-six. Just a two kick win.
AFL: Round 5
“You played sh__!”, he said. Reply: “We still beat your team!” Three points begat four.
AFL: Round 4
Fremantle play well Hawks play Q1 & Q4 But it is enough
AFL: Round 3
Collingwood this round. They’re in front at half time. We win by ten kicks
Of the two keyboards noted yesterday, one costs $5 and the other $0, so you can guess which I’m testing first…
Round Two: Keyboards for iOS
Yesterday’s post felt like a bit of a downer, so today’s is just a quick update to point out that all is not lost – there are at least two more iOS keyboards available. 1. Octopus. Is getting good reviews in the jailbreak community and looks a like I imagine the new BB10 keyboard to be.… Continue reading Round Two: Keyboards for iOS
iswipe i-shwipe
I’m sorry. I just can’t do it. iswipe is just not trustworthy enough to use as a primary keyboard. There are just too many errors and inconsistencies to be able to type quickly, and there’s not much more important on a work phone than fast text input. And worse than that, a trusted friend has… Continue reading iswipe i-shwipe
Still pig with iswipe
So the experiment is only just going okay so fat. (Darn it iswipe. Henceforth I’ll correct its errors in brackets like these.)