For the past few years, Úll’s reputation has been rising as a thoroughly thought through, brilliantly balanced, carefully constructed conference for creatives interested in technology. Moreover, it’s held in a spectacular venue in a country we’ve wanted to visit for the longest time, not far from friends we deeply love. So we’ve decided to take the plunge and travel halfway around the globe… Continue reading Ag Ullmhú Do Úll
Author: Walter
Redeemed by Jesus, married to Steph, father of three beautiful girls. Friend, musician, nerd, appreciator of good food, coffee and the Oxford comma
MacOS Sierra and Invisible Remote Control
Oftentimes, I find myself needing to remotely control my MacOS/OSX computer over a network. The built-in tools that come with Sierra (Screen Sharing, Back-To-My-Mac) do a great job of simplifying what could be a horrendously complex setup process, but they have one key limitation… Anyone with physical access to your remote computer can watch you mousing around doing… Continue reading MacOS Sierra and Invisible Remote Control
“I am your queen. I command you to clean up all that mess we made.” – 3yo, after watching too much tv
Godparents are something of an anachronism nowadays. I think that asking someone you trust to watch out for your kid is invaluable. There will come a time when Steph & I are anathema to our children, and when having another set of thoughtful, loving Christians praying for them and giving them wise counsel just seems like… Continue reading Godparents
Valentine’s Day #15
Fourteen years ago to the day, my eternally patient wife (then bemused girlfriend) spent her Valentine’s Day afternoon helping me move into a sharehouse with some bozo. Practical, self-sacrificial, and loving – what more could you look for in a valentine.
Great Things From 2009
After digging around on the computer to find out why my SSD was running out of space, I stumbled across my old iWeb projects. Goodness me, Apple has released some top-notch software in the past. If you haven’t played with it, the last-updated-seven-years-ago iWeb application is still the best web page maker in existence, and thanks to… Continue reading Great Things From 2009
So close, Siri
How did she find out about the AFL’s super-secret expansion plans…? 🙂
Vale, ..
Sore. Unlike earlier, before we knew you were you were no more. Before the last battle you were carried through the stable door by the lion, whose roar brought forth the world, who separated south from north. And whose deeds at the stone table are worth trusting – even as the donkey brays that he cut short… Continue reading Vale, ..
AFL2015 – Grand Final
You have to kick goals. You have to take your chances. Only the Hawks did. Haw 107 (16, 11) WCE 61 (8, 13)
AFL2015 – Preliminary Finals
West Australia Gateway to the grand finals A five-goal wide one Haw: 94 (15, 4) Freo: 67 (10, 7)
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