Can I at least know the name of my champion..?

A married man trapped in the city Tried to write his beloved a ditty. His wife would be bent For he had no present… Anniversaries without them aren’t pretty. For a friend. Good luck!

Pre3xistence Rethink

So I’ve decided that it was perhaps unkind to expect to go cold-turkey onto WebOS without proper preparation.  Given the (to me at least) critical nature of my phone, it may be wiser to start out with the Pre3 as an ancillary device until she & I have  warmed to each other’s foibles. I’m still… Continue reading Pre3xistence Rethink

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Pre3xistence Day 2 Challenge

It being the first day of the work week, today’s challenge will be to last a whole day under normal usage. Given the 1230mAh battery inside it (vs the iPhone 4S’s 1450mAh non-removeable one), and the demands of a full work-day, this will likely be make or break…

Pre3xistence Day 1 redux

Homebrewing is fraught with difficulty… After googling and a lot of trial and error, this is how it worked for me: – Enable developer mode on the Pre: + ‘just type’ the following: webos20090606, then run the secret app and follow its instructions. – Download and install the Palm SDK on the Mac – it… Continue reading Pre3xistence Day 1 redux


So I’d put our youngest to bed but she refused to settle.  One extended cuddle, drink of water, lullaby, dummy attachment, and short cuddle later, she was still upset. No idea what was wrong, I was starting to get frustrated – but then noticed that she’d been pointing at the floor the whole time.  Lightbulb… Continue reading Condescension

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Proud, Crushed

Watching the Hawks / Pies match tonight, I can only say I was proud of the way the team played.  The exhaustion on display through the last quarter showed they left it all on the field, and if one or two high-tackles in our forward fifty had been called in the last 3 min, it… Continue reading Proud, Crushed

Categorized as Book Review

AFL Finals

In case you’re wondering how  on earth the AFL Finals system works, I’ve created a handy-dandy spreadsheet you can use. Download it here:

Categorized as Book Review