The Border Opened

For months, we listened with bated breath as medical authorities made their recommendations. For months, we suffered myriad local griefs, with emotions rising and falling as key metrics went up and down. For months, we watched and waited and hoped for a time when broken relationships would be restored. For months, we prayed for a… Continue reading The Border Opened

Categorized as Family, Life

Fun Tax Issues

The scene: driving home from kinder as the radio passes the hour. Newscaster: “…overcoming the tax issues that had been…” Little miss four: “Ooh! Can I have a pair?” Me: “A pair of what?” LM4: “Tax issues! I could run around in them and people would call out and I could take them where they… Continue reading Fun Tax Issues

Categorized as Family, Kids


8yo: “Why are family tickets only for two adults and two children?” Mummy: “Because most families only have two adults and two children -” 4yo: “…and one dinosaur”

Categorized as Family, Kids


The scene: hospital interior; our 7yo is out of surgery and recovering post-anaesthetic. Dad: (to 7yo:) Look, isn’t mummy beautiful? 7yo: Nope! Mummy lowers book. Looks up at 7yo. Dad: Uhh… err… D- 7yo: She’s wearing a Cats jumper. Dad: Oh.


At work, I was feeling more and more sick, so I’m heading home from work early to avoid contaminating the office. Train at Flinder’s St is spontaneously rerouted from a city loop to a Richmond direct express to Box Hill service so I jump on just before it leaves. Train takes off and a lady… Continue reading Rerouted

Categorized as Family, Life

Ag Ullmhú Do Úll

For the past few years, Úll’s reputation has been rising as a thoroughly thought through, brilliantly balanced, carefully constructed conference for creatives interested in technology. Moreover, it’s held in a spectacular venue in a country we’ve wanted to visit for the longest time, not far from friends we deeply love. So we’ve decided to take the plunge and travel halfway around the globe… Continue reading Ag Ullmhú Do Úll