
The scene: hospital interior; our 7yo is out of surgery and recovering post-anaesthetic. Dad: (to 7yo:) Look, isn’t mummy beautiful? 7yo: Nope! Mummy lowers book. Looks up at 7yo. Dad: Uhh… err… D- 7yo: She’s wearing a Cats jumper. Dad: Oh.

Valentine’s Day #15

Fourteen years ago to the day, my eternally patient wife (then bemused girlfriend) spent her Valentine’s Day afternoon helping me move into a sharehouse with some bozo. Practical, self-sacrificial, and loving – what more could you look for in a valentine.

Vale, ..

Sore. Unlike earlier, before we knew you were you were no more. Before the last battle you were carried through the stable door by the lion, whose roar brought forth the world, who separated south from north. And whose deeds at the stone table are worth trusting – even as the donkey brays that he cut short… Continue reading Vale, ..

Vale, .

We know the one who beat death chose to let you face it before we could face you. And that after we see death, we’ll get to hold you as we bask in the glory of our saviour’s face.

Tin Man

They say the appropriate gift is tin. Perhaps “they” here are New Zealanders who struggle wuth theer vowels end hev muxed up theer “e”s with their “i”s. Maybe “they” figured that after so many years rusted onto each other, it was only appropriate to share a corrosion-safe metal. Or perhaps “they” decided to give a… Continue reading Tin Man