Pig with iswipe again

So I figured I’d give iswipe another change to impress me. So fat, its not doing to badly. Just the occasional misspelt wots here and the. We’ll see how long this try lasts four.

Never not knowing

So our daughters’ Nanna has acquired a second-hand iPhone. She’s always been passionate about education and learning. A teacher by training & trade, we joke that our girls come back from visiting her with five more points of IQ. The iPhone, however, is taking her a bit of getting used to. Truth be told, her… Continue reading Never not knowing


If Apple want to do an end-run around wireless carriers, and enter the prepaid market with a bang, they need a device that can be bought without carrier subsidy for a price lower than (or extremely close to) their subsidised iPhone. Tis a big ‘if’ I know, but if they did, what would they compromise… Continue reading ifPhone

Categorized as Apple, iOS

Pig with iSwipe

I have bern pig for the last week with a custom iphone keyboard calked “iSwipe”. Its a free ware version of the android / sang keyboard calked “Swype”.

Thoughts on Siri & Search

I’ve been conversing on and off with Siri since she first appeared in our house, trapped between two sheets of Gorilla Glass. Some things of note so far…