Proverbs 18

An idiot does not enjoy learning, but revels in holding forth on whatever topic he pleases. (If you’re wicked, expect contempt. Then dishonour & disgrace.) Listen carefully to what a man says – his words tell you more than he knows. Listen even more carefully to wisdom – it is a spring that gurgles forth… Continue reading Proverbs 18

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Psalm 133

Behold how pleasant that it be When brothers dwell in unity.

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Psalm 127

Unless God constructs my house, the builders labour in vain. Unless He watches over my property, the security system is useless. It is pointless to catch the earlybird train in to work and leave after dark, anxiously snatching unhealthy snacks between meetings. God gives sleep to the ones he loves. Kids are fantastic! They’re a… Continue reading Psalm 127

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Proverbs 14

The laid-back bloke who restrains his anger is very wise, but the quick-tempered guy promotes stupidity. Again, a laid-back bloke satisfied with his lot has a great life, but envy makes you end up like this guy.

Categorized as Proverbs

Psalm 8

(Note to song-leader: good luck finding a metre for this one. A psalm of David repsalmed by Walter.) Lord Jesus, our King, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory beyond the southern cross. Out of the mouths of babies & toddlers your strength is established – their speech… Continue reading Psalm 8

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Proverbs 24 again

Because Pr 24 is a goldmineā€¦ Don’t shout “Woo-Hoo!” when your

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Proverbs 24

Don’t envy evil men; don’t strive for their attention. Their hearts devise violence and their mouths shout “trouble trouble everywhere!” Wisdom builds a good house, understanding establishes its foundations. Knowledge furnishes its rooms with quality fixtures and reliable 802.11n access. Wise men – they are mighty; they learn more and increase their strength. They know… Continue reading Proverbs 24

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Proverbs 23

(Inspired by v1-5) When you lunch with Partners & CEOs, carefully observe the food before you – and put the steak-knife to your throat if you lack self controlā€¦

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Psalm 29

Hey guys! Praise God for his glory & strength! Praise him for his character! Bask in his holiness. God’s voice thunders over the Indian ocean, it calms the Pacific, it covers the seas. God’s voice is powerful and majestic – it knocks down the Twelve Apostles & shatters Uluru. He makes the Olgas dance. God’s… Continue reading Psalm 29

Categorized as Psalming