Emu Music are an Australian collection of Christian musicians committed to putting the themes of God’s Word to good music.
Ten Albums – (#7)
Given the propensity for the “Ten Albums” posts I’ve seen to contain more established (and perhaps less personal) albums, I’ve shied away from that here – trying to explain a little of why the album is meaningful. I suspect I’m also trying to remind myself of less-remembered albums so that I don’t forget them as… Continue reading Ten Albums – (#7)
Ten Albums – (#6)
Resilience is something of a buzzword at the moment in workplaces in the West. The cynical take is that it’s just businesses pushing responsibility for the stress they create back onto their workers. That may be the case in some places (not mine!), but resilience as a skill – or the idea that stress is… Continue reading Ten Albums – (#6)
Ten Albums – (#5)
Every year except one*, my wife and I have gotten away to celebrate our wedding anniversary. We are blessed to be friends with lots of really lovely people (hopefully including you, dear reader) and in 2009, we travelled to visit some of them in the United States of America. A wonderful friend traveled across state… Continue reading Ten Albums – (#5)
Ten Albums – (#4)
Things would have been very different when I started working as an undergraduate at Telstra, if it weren’t for my boss at the time – a brilliant bloke named John. He was technically capable without being nerdy, politically savvy without being a politician, and a strategic thinker and genuinely pastoral person. He worked hard to… Continue reading Ten Albums – (#4)
Ten Albums – (#3)
Like many others, the early stages of Steph’s & my relationship had a soundtrack provided by John Mayer.
Ten Albums – (#2)
After university, having expanded my musical tastes somewhat – I’ll probably go into that a bit more later – I stumbled across an album by a performer I’d mostly written off up until that point.
Ten Albums (#1)
When I started out at university, having moved with my family from country Victoria, I knew very few people, and had very limited musical appreciation outside of classical music or mid-90s pop on the one radio station (3TR). I was encouraged to meet up with some “nice people” from the Christian Union there, and dutifully… Continue reading Ten Albums (#1)
Ten Albums
Generally, I make a practice of ignoring Facebook challenges. I’m not entirely sure why – perhaps they remind me too much of the old-skool chain-emails doing the rounds in the late ’90s… “… FORWARD THIS TO 11 FRIENDS OR YOU WILL HAVE BAD LUCK AND NOBODY WILL BE ATTRACTED TO YOU FOR 11 YEARS!” But… Continue reading Ten Albums
Fun Tax Issues
The scene: driving home from kinder as the radio passes the hour. Newscaster: “…overcoming the tax issues that had been…” Little miss four: “Ooh! Can I have a pair?” Me: “A pair of what?” LM4: “Tax issues! I could run around in them and people would call out and I could take them where they… Continue reading Fun Tax Issues