Psalm 7

A shiggaion of Walter, which he sang to the LORD concerning recent distressing correspondence LORD my God, I take refuge in you; save and deliver me from all who pursue me, or their words will tear me apart like a lion and rip me to pieces with no one to rescue me. LORD my God, if I… Continue reading Psalm 7

Psalm 73 (as translated by me)

I know that God blesses His faithful followers, the people who have been justified in Christ Jesus. But sometimes I think – What if…? if… I wasn’t a Christian – I could have all that stuff. Other people, people who aren’t Christians, have such excesses – it seems wasteful. They are so pretty – no… Continue reading Psalm 73 (as translated by me)

A Settlement Out East

Today is the day. Somewhere in a darkened boardroom with oak panelled walls a pair of grey-suited, bespectacled, thin men will exchange pieces of paper across a smooth polished desk, and it will be done. The little red house across the road will become our little red house. And we’ll start turning it into a… Continue reading A Settlement Out East

Colour and Movement

We’re at T-minus one day and counting. Tomorrow is the big move day – we’re praying it all goes well.

Categorized as House


Today the electrician and his band of merry men had their final day in what will soon be our new home. The light fittings are in, a million new power points adorn the walls, and (most importantly) the house is now electrically safe. Praise God for electricity, and for honest tradies!

Categorized as House

Fiddly Details Work

Today’s house construction effort was focussed on details-work.  So, in went the new exhaust fan; magnetic door-stop installed in the entrance, and the bath received a thorough clean.

Categorized as House

Proud, Crushed

Watching the Hawks / Pies match tonight, I can only say I was proud of the way the team played.  The exhaustion on display through the last quarter showed they left it all on the field, and if one or two high-tackles in our forward fifty had been called in the last 3 min, it… Continue reading Proud, Crushed

Categorized as Book Review

Hurts so bad

Please pray for Steph, as she battles a mean back complaint.

Categorized as Family